Financial Hardship Policy
**Financial Hardship Policy**
Spectrum Networks understands that there are times when you may have trouble paying your bills for a variety of reasons. This may be short or long term. If you are facing financial hardship, we are here to help you retain your internet/phone access and work with you to find a sustainable solution. We provide payment plans or other support like spend controls, service restrictions, temporary plan downgrades, individual financial arrangements and waiving late fees, depending on your circumstances. Financial hardship assistance is free of charge.
**What do I need to do?**
You can arrange a payment plan without any need for financial hardship proof, simply by applying by calling 1300 133 299 and speaking with one of our customer support team.
**Am I eligible?**
Financial hardship refers to a situation where:
You are unable to discharge your financial obligations to us due to circumstances, including:
- Personal or household illness
- Unemployment
- Low or insufficient income, including reduced access to income
- Being a victim survivor of domestic or family violence
- A death in the family
- A change in personal or family circumstances
- A natural disaster
- Unexpected events or unforeseen changes that have impacted your income or expenditure
- Other reasonable causes
You consider that you will be able to discharge those obligations if an agreed arrangement for financial hardship assistance is implemented. If you need support for financial hardship, we will work with you to assess whether you are eligible, and what the most appropriate support might be for your situation.
Alternatively, anyone can set up a payment plan.
**What happens if I don’t agree with an assessment?**
If you wish to review the outcome of a financial hardship assessment, you can do so via our Complaints Handling Process.
You can make a complaint to us by:
- Phoning 1300 133 299 Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5pm, AEDT
- Emailing
If you are still not happy with the outcome of your complaint after following our dispute resolution process, you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) for independent mediation. The TIO can be contacted by calling 1800 062 058 or visiting the TIO website at
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